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Pierre Sèche en Vaucluse

Pierre Sèche en Vaucluse


Loupe - Connaissance de la pierre sèche
Pioche - Restauration de la pierre sèche
Groupe de personnes - Valorisation de la pierre sèche
Pierre sèche en Vaucluse sortie pierre sèche

Contact person

Larcena Danièle

E-mail address


Landline telephone

04 90 20 71 82


986 chemin du Pigeolet

84800 Saumane

Icône de loupe avec fond transparent - Connaissance de la pierre sèche


Icône de pioche avec fond transparent - Restauration de la pierre sèche


Icône de groupe de personnes avec fond transparent - Valorisation de la pierre sèche


Knowledge of dry stone involves researching, identifying and documenting heritage features.

What kind of actions?




Description of past and future actions

PAST pre-inventories of the bories of Saumane, Le Beaucet, La Roque, Cabrières, Fontaine de Vaucluse captured in a comic strip pre-inventories of water systems in Cabrières, Saumane, drainage galleries in Cabrières terraced development of the Tapy valley survey of the Mur de la peste 27km participation in pre-inventories of Malemort du Comtat and Méthamis (Volubilis) FUTURE participation in the survey of dry-stone constructions in the communes of the Parc du Ventoux participation in the identification of water systems in the communes of the Parc du Ventoux (Volubilis) preparation of an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) for all pre-inventories (Volubilis)

The aim of dry stone restoration is to preserve and rehabilitate these ancestral structures, ensuring their integrity and durability.

What kind of actions ?


Participative construction site

Description of past and future actions

A number of projects have been carried out since 1984. - Restoration of local roads: Saumane: 1985 - 1986 - 1995 - 1996 - 2004 - Reconstruction of a rock shelter and creation of a calade in Saumane. : 1988 - 1989 - 1990- 1991 - 1992 - 1998 - 1992- Restoration of huts. La Roque sur Pernes : 1992 - 1990- restoration of a drainage gallery at Cabrières d'Avignon: - 1999- Surveying course at the Steiner School (Germany): mapping the terraces of the Tapy valley in Saumane. - 2005- restoration of the Milan fountain in Saumane - 2010- low walls, château car park, Saumane - 2011- reconstruction of the Marculy ewer - 2013 - reconstruction of the wall supporting the sculpture trail of the Mira, Velorgues, L'Isle sur la Sorgue association. Since 1986, the "Pierre Sèche en Vaucluse" association has been surveying the "Muraille de la Peste", as well as restoring parts of it that are accessible to walkers. - Workcamps in 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1992 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 2000 - 2002

Enhancing the value of dry stone involves sharing its cultural and historical wealth with the public through various means of communication and education.

What kind of actions ?

Trail creation



Description of past and future actions

2002: creation of a 27km "Sentier Historique" (historical trail) along the Mur de la Peste (plague wall), approved as a GRP (long-distance footpath) for most of its length, as part of the Conseil Général's tourist network. Exhibitions: "Les galeries drainantes de Cabrières", "Le Mur de la Peste conte l'histoire", "les murs et les systèmes d'eau". 2004: 3 information plaques on the Muraille de la Peste (Plague Wall) installed at the Col de la Ligne, in collaboration with the ONF. 2020: 3 information desks on the history and description of the wall at Bourbourin. Events : 1989- environmental festival in Saumane, 1991- Fête de la Muraille de la Peste, 1997- "Inventions and discoveries" exhibition by Alain Barnaud and Pierre Marquet at the Marculy rock shelter. 1999- Plastic works by the Ecole d'Art d'Avignon on the plague wall 2004 - 20th anniversary of Pierre Sèche, château de Saumane 2009 - heritage festival at Saumane château Numerous presentations to schools Numerous talks to associations (in particular the poetry caravan every year with the association "Trace de poète" and rallies with the association Litera) or various groups in the field or in the form of conferences. Numerous guided walks books, articles, documents 1993- "La Muraille de la Peste" published by Alpes de Lumière, reprinted 2007 2003- "The line in the landscape: geographical walks around the Mur de la Peste". Various inventory notebooks a large number of articles 2 leaflets + various information documents

Précisions sur le patrimoine en pierre sèche

Details of dry stone heritage

Description of the type of heritage on which the association works


Caladés rural paths

Paths lined with dry stone walls


Terrace layouts

Valley bottom dike walls

Improvements to the walls

Drain and water



Fountains, wash-houses

Drainage galleries, covered ditches

Muret de pierre sèche en Vaucluse

Contact person

Larcena Danièle

E-mail address


Landline telephone

04 90 20 71 82

04 32 76 24 66
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